Luke 19:1-10. In this beautiful salvation story, we see this little, sinful tax collector come to faith in Jesus and find the free gift of salvation. He then demonstrates the fruit of a transformed life, changed through Christ. Perhaps you find yourself in this story also? Amazing grace extended to us all.
Luke 18:31-43. The physical healing of blind Bartimaeus, serves as a powerful parallel to how we used to walk in darkness, but now are walking in the light. Jesus has opened our eyes and now we are followers of the living God!
Luke 18:18-30. This man asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”. But if we are not saved by works, or keeping the law, why did Jesus answer him the way he did? And what is the purpose of the law? or motive for doing good works then? And then how do we actually […]
Luke 18:9-17. This timeless parable helps answer the all-important question of how a man can be Justified before God. Is it by works that we are saved? Or by faith? And if it’s by believing only, then what is the purpose of the Law?
Luke 16:19-31. This story confronts us with the sobering reality of man’s ultimate destiny in the afterlife, either in heaven or hell. The rich man only lived for this life and love of money and never coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. Lazarus found the eternal comfort and peace that the gospel offers to […]