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The Resurrection Story

Harmonizing the gospel accounts gives us an insightful, composite view of the resurrection timeline as we consider the greatest event in history! Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, for He is risen! 

It is Finished

John 19:30. Just before he died, Jesus uttered on the cross the momentous words ‘It is finished’. What did Jesus mean by this declaration? What are some of the benefits and blessings that his followers should expect to experience from the fulfilment of these words? Hpw does understanding “the finished work” effect your life personally?

Rejoicing at The Feast of Tabernacles

John Chap 7-8-9. The central ceremonies during the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles involved drawing water from the Pool of Siloam and the illumination of the temple. This was the astounding context for Jesus saying “come unto me all who thirst” and “I am the Light of The World”. Through the Holy Spirit, our thirst is […]