The India Experience 2008 – Present

The Connection
Two of our church members, Jeff Collington and Richard Drew, went on a trip to India in October 2008. They went at the request of an Indian Christian called David Lima to see the work he was doing in Odisha, one of the poorest of all the 29 states. After a long trip, they arrived at Vishakhapatnam, where all illusions and preconceptions were dispelled; it was life at its most basic, wall-to-wall hardship and poverty. This was a part of India most people never see and nothing really can prepare you for it. David was caring for some orphans, all living in one room and living hand to mouth. The connection and visit was so evidently in God's plan and after Jeff and Richard's return, He moved in the hearts of the church in Peacehaven. What has happened over the years since then is nothing short of miraculous.

The Building

Today there is an impressive purpose-built building which is now “The Home of Life” for over 50 beautiful children from 5-19 years old. Some of the original 6-7 year olds are now are now college students and learning English. When you are with these beautiful Christian children you just fall in love with them and you are made so thankful that such a place exists for them. To hear them laugh, sing and pray brings joy to your heart, although some of their back stories will break your heart. For example, the 2 youngest children, at just 5 years old, were from different villages and both lost their parents in a hurricane. A few weeks later they were taken in by David and now their life, family and future is at the home. In a sense these children have nothing, but in another sense they have so much. The home is a place filled with love, joy and purpose and God has given them an amazing provision. The team that God has put together there are an incredible group of believers who have laid down their lives for the children.
A Miraculous Work
There are a few things that strike you when you visit there. Firstly, you realize what an amazing connection God gave between David and the church in Peacehaven all those years ago. Secondly you sense what a privilege it is to be a part of it in any measure and what a worthy cause it is to support. And then also, you see what a miraculous work of grace it all is. God has used a little church on the South Coast of England to go, to build and to support that mission there. It's a work of great grace.
It is estimated that it costs about £25 a month to support one child (food, clothes, shelter etc). If you or anyone you know might be interested to “support-a-child” please contact us and we can give you more information. Thank you and god bless you