Welcome to Our Church

PEFC is a growing, family oriented church in the heart of Peacehaven comprised of people of varying ages, nationalities and backgrounds. We are experiencing renewed growth and vision and warmly invite you to come along and see what’s happening.

Our main service is on Sunday mornings at 10:30, followed by a time of fellowship with tea and coffee. As an evangelical church our heart is to provide opportunity for all people to hear and understand the good news through clear, grace-filled teaching and preaching.

We provide a creche for young mothers (with live video stream of the service) and a Sunday School for children (Primary School age). We also offer an audio induction loop system to assist those with impaired hearing, easy access for strollers and wheel chairs and a disabled toilet.

Drop by any Sunday for an encouraging morning of faith and fellowship in a safe, welcoming environment. May God bless you!​

watch our welcome video

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Our Purpose & Vision:

It is the express purpose of this Church
- to faithfully minister the Word of God
- to provide opportunities for discipleship through teaching, preaching, and investment
- to conduct regular worship services
- use and pursue activities which may promote the Gospel
- to maintain a local and worldwide vision- to provide childcare and Sunday School for the children of families who attend services
- to license and ordain qualified individuals for service in the ministry

If you would like to submit an application, please request a church handbook and a copy of the church constitution and print off one of the membership forms below and return to one of the elders. Thank you