Luke 22:1-23. The chief priests were plotting, as the powers of darkness made their advance, and Judas became the key player in the betrayal. However, our Lord predicted his the betrayal and his suffering to follow and was clearly in control in preparing the way to the cross. His hour had come to be glorified […]
Luke 20:20-47. In the final days before the cross, the Jewish leaders were trying to catch Jesus in his words, but his wisdom and answers were too great for them. He finally asked them a question that they could not answer proving the Messiah was not just a man, but also divine.
Luke 19:45-20:19. Why did Jesus drive out those buying and selling in the temple and how did he respond to the religious leaders who challenged his authority? How do these events relate to us today? What does the parable of the wicked vinedressers teach us concerning the nation of Israel and and how does it […]
Luke 19:28-41. What was the significance of the ‘triumphal entry’? This extraordinary event was full of prophetic fulfilment, such as Jesus riding the colt, the foal of a donkey. Yet, the huge crowd following Jesus at this event had seriously misunderstood Jesus’ mission and the people of Jerusalem had not recognised ‘the day of their […]
Luke 18:31-43. The physical healing of blind Bartimaeus, serves as a powerful parallel to how we used to walk in darkness, but now are walking in the light. Jesus has opened our eyes and now we are followers of the living God!