Luke 22:23-30. During the last supper, Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure and for their appointment as leaders in the church. He demonstrates what it means to be a servant-leader in the church, not lording it over people, but being a servant of all.
Luke 22:1-23. The chief priests were plotting, as the powers of darkness made their advance, and Judas became the key player in the betrayal. However, our Lord predicted his the betrayal and his suffering to follow and was clearly in control in preparing the way to the cross. His hour had come to be glorified […]
Luke 21:25-36. When is the end of the age? When will Jesus return? And when will the Kingdom on earth begin? Who is the Anti-Christ? What happens to the Jewish nation at the end? May our hearts be stirred by this important end times passage.
Luke 21:1-24. When is the end of the age? When is the Anti-Christ coming? When is the Lord’s return? In the “Olivette Discourse” Jesus answers several questions relating to the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70) and also makes further predictions relating to the Anti-Christ and the end of the age. What is the abomination of […]
Luke 20:20-47. In the final days before the cross, the Jewish leaders were trying to catch Jesus in his words, but his wisdom and answers were too great for them. He finally asked them a question that they could not answer proving the Messiah was not just a man, but also divine.