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The Faith & Prayers of a Godly Mother

Hannah was a fervent believer in dark times for Israel and difficult times personally. God brought her to a place of deep need and faith, that she might seek Him all the more. In her need and separation, she came in faith and prayer and God answered her with an answer that delivered a nation! […]

Courage in Time of Crisis

1 Sam 30:1-19. What do we do in a time of crisis? With so much uncertainty, potential loss and troubles all around us, what should our response be as Christians? When David and his men found themselves in a major crisis they were crushed, distressed and weeping, but what David did next changed everything as […]

Hannah’s Prayer & God’s Answer

1 Sam 1:1-28. Hannah’s prayer changed a nation with Samuel given as God’s incredioble answer. God brought her to a play of great sorrow, that she might find God in prayer the way she did. Sometimes things in our lives may also be used to bring us to a place of faith that looks to […]

1 Samuel Part 2 (Survey Class)

1 Samuel 16-22 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters introduce us to David, one of The Bibles main, central characters. We see him anointed by Samuel, rejected by Saul, chased into exile and befriended by Jonathon. We are deeply encouraged as we consider the psalms written by David at this time, teaching us deep principles of […]