1 Sam 4:1-22. It was clearly time for Israel to seek the Lord to be right with Him once more, but the elders of Israel rather decided to put their trust in the Ark, like a religious good luck charm. Because of their misplaced trust and presumption, they suffered great defeat once again. Why might […]
1 Sam 1:20-2:10. Hannah allowed her need and troubles to bring her to prayer and to faith in God. Her sadness was turned to rejoicing when God answered her prayer, in His way and in His time. In her song of praise she makes amazing declarations about the person, plan and the sovereignty of God. […]
Luke 19:11-27. The disciples thought that when they reached Jerusalem, that the earthly Messianic Kingdom would appear. Jesus told this parable to correct this misconception and teach them that the Kingdom is yet to come, but now postponed. He also answers the question of what Christians should be doing during this time on earth and […]
Luke 18:1-8. In troublesome times, as we watch the world stage in the last days, what should we be sure to do? Jesus gives this simple parable to teach us that “men ought always to pray and not to faint”.
1 John 4:16, Romans 5:8. t’s one thing to “come to know” the love of God and yet another to “come to believe” and rely upon it. God has clearly demonstrated His love for us at the cross, and now His Spirit seeks to persuade us of that love more and more, so that we […]