Luke 20:20-47. In the final days before the cross, the Jewish leaders were trying to catch Jesus in his words, but his wisdom and answers were too great for them. He finally asked them a question that they could not answer proving the Messiah was not just a man, but also divine.
Matthew 28:6. Drawing from all 4 gospels, we piece together a composite view of the resurrection timeline. Follow along in this glorious story, from when our Lord’s lifeless body was laid in the tomb, to His multiple resurrection appearances. Everything changes when we see that He is risen indeed!!
1 Corinthians 15:51. As students of the Bible, we discover that the annual Jewish feasts were prophetic in nature. The spring feasts were fulfilled at his first coming, and the autumn feasts yet to be fulfilled at his return. The Feast of Trumpets will be fulfilled at the resurrection & translation of the saints. Now […]
1 Thes 4:13-18. The Thessalonians were waiting expectantly for the Son’s return (1:10). They knew the church would be removed before the day of wrath, but had a question about those Christian’s who had passed on before them? Had they missed the resurrection? What would happen to their bodies? Were they now with the Lord? […]
When Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, he fulfilled countless prophecies, shadows, and types. Among them were the Jewish feasts, just awaiting fulfillment by the reality of Christ and his work. As we consider the Spring feasts together, our hearts stand in wonder at Jesus, our Passover, and our Firstfruits!