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Jesus in The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)

1 Corinthians 15:51. As students of the Bible, we discover that the annual Jewish feasts were prophetic in nature. The spring feasts were fulfilled at his first coming, and the autumn feasts yet to be fulfilled at his return. The Feast of Trumpets will be fulfilled at the resurrection & translation of the saints. Now […]

Christ the Firstfruits of The Resurrection

When Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, he fulfilled countless prophecies, shadows, and types. Among them were the Jewish feasts, just awaiting fulfillment by the reality of Christ and his work. As we consider the Spring feasts together, our hearts stand in wonder at Jesus, our Passover, and our Firstfruits! 

The prophet Daniel lays out an all-important timeline of seven years that marks the end of the age. During this period there are 3 specific revealings (Apokalupsis) that will take place. The first will be when a final Gentile ruler unifies a world government and then is revealed to be The Anti-Christ. Secondly, at the […]