Ex 25:10-22 (Slideshow Download Available). As we conclude this 7 part series on the Tabernacle we come into the The Most Holy Place and to The Ark of The Covenant & The Mercy Seat. As we consider the typology of the furniture we see the Ark representing the very throne of God, to which all […]
Ex 30:1-10 (Slideshow Download Available) Continuing our series on The Tabernacle we come to the The Altar of Incense. This sacred piece of furniture, facing the mercy seat, beautifully speaks of our prayer life and open access to God’s throne room of grace.
Ex 25:23-30, Lev 24:5-9 (Slideshow Download Available) As we approach the Golden Table with the showbread on the North side of the Holy Place, we consider the beautiful picture of our privilege to gather together as priests and partake of His Word in His presence.
Ex 25:31-30 (Slideshow Download Available) The Tabernacle gives us incredible insights into the person and work of Christ and our privileges as NT priests. As we enter into the Tabernacle proper we enter into the spiritual life and fellowship with God. The Golden Lampstand speaks of The Holy Spirits ministry to us and through us […]
Ex 30:17-20 (Slideshow Download Available) The Laver stood between the altar and the actual tabernacle and was a means of washing and cleansing for the priests. But what does it represent for us in our NT believer priesthood? How are we washed and sancitified in our service and walk with God? (Eph 5:25-26, James 1:22-25, […]