Salvation Comes to Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10. In this beautiful salvation story, we see this little, sinful tax collector come to faith in Jesus and find the free gift of salvation. He then demonstrates the fruit of a transformed life, changed through Christ. Perhaps you find yourself in this story also? Amazing grace extended to us all. 

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The Power of The Word
& The Spirit

1 Cor 2:1-14. The gospel came to the Corinthians in “the demonstration of the Spirit & power”. We discover (in Acts 18) that this power was demonstrated as Paul preached and people came to faith. May we never miss the greatest miracle of all, as people are touched, drawn, searched, saved and changed by the […]

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A Leper, A Paralytic & A Tax Collector

Luke 5:12-39. These 3 encounters with Jesus speak to us regarding our own Christian life and walk. Jesus cleanses the leper, heals the Paralytic & calls the Tax Collector. In the same way Jesus cleanses us from sin through mercy, enables us to stand & walk with God through His Spirit in us and calls […]

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Amazed at His Gracious Words

Luke 4:14-30. As Jesus began his public ministry He identified himself as the one who would heal the broken hearted, set the captives free and He declared that the time of grace was here. Did he fulfill those prophecies? Is it only referring to physical healing and deliverance through his ministry, or spiritual also? Does […]

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According to Your Abundant Mercies

Neh 9:22-38. In this great chapter, God’s people reflect on their history of God’s abundant mercy towards them. Even though they failed time and time again, He never forsook them but was ready to forgive them and would always work to bring them back to himself. What encouraging commentary this is for us, knowing that […]

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The Wonder of Grace

Eph 1:6-7. The reality and experience of grace will often leave us with a sense of awe and wonder. However, it’s very possible that the unguarded believer can lose that sense of wonder. We must often be looking to the word and to the Holy Spirit to be quickened, again and again, being renewed and […]

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Christ Set You Free to be Free

Gal 5:1. We are told that we have been made free, but we must now ensure that we live free and remain free. We must be careful not to take on the false burden and yoke of the law, according to the flesh, but be yoked up with Jesus, learning of him and resting in […]

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Stand Fast in Your Freedom

Gal 5:1-15. Paul teaches that we have been set free to stay free. We are free to live without the obligation of keeping the law & by the power & love of The Holy Spirit, we are free, not to sin, but to serve. 

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Children of Freedom, Sons of Promise

Gal 4:31-31. Paul uses the historical story of Isaac and Ishmael as an illustration in contrasting the Law verses Promise. I can either live as a slave in bondage to the law or in the freedom of being sons by grace and promise. So, do you live like the son of a slave or the […]

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There is only One Gospel

Gal 2:1-10. In light of opposition to his ministry, Paul demonstrates that both his apostleship and his gospel came directly from The Lord. He also shows that the apostles in Jerusalem, unlike the false teachers from there, believed the same gospel. There is only one gospel, the gospel of grace.

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