Your Robe & Breastplate
of Righteousness
(by Brian Melia)

RIGHTEOUSNESS Many biblical words have sadly faded from regular use in modern society; one of these words is righteousness. However, one of the times the word righteousness is still sometimes used is when someone is said to be ‘self-righteous’. This attitude of self-righteousness regrettably characterised many of the Pharisees. Jesus...

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The Deity of Christ

THE DEITY OF CHRIST (an Article by James Pinnington) The focus of this article is what the Bible teaches about the Deity of Christ. There are some people – even people who would call themselves “Christians” – that deny Jesus is God and instead will argue that the Bible teaches...

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An Encounter with The Lord

In the opening 3 verses of Ezekiel’s prophecy, we read that The heavens opened He saw a vision of God The Word came to Him expressly The hand of the Lord was upon Him LIFE CHANGED: We might understand why someone’s life would never be the same after such an...

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Two Natures, Two Trees – by Laurence Hill

The Bible often refers to a Christian as having two natures, sometimes described as the old man and the new man, in the old man we still have the capacity to sin, in the new man the Holy Spirit empowers us to do what is right and pleasing to God....

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