1 Cor 2:1-14. The gospel came to the Corinthians in “the demonstration of the Spirit & power”. We discover (in Acts 18) that this power was demonstrated as Paul preached and people came to faith. May we never miss the greatest miracle of all, as people are touched, drawn, searched, saved and changed by the […]
1 Corinthians 15:51. As students of the Bible, we discover that the annual Jewish feasts were prophetic in nature. The spring feasts were fulfilled at his first coming, and the autumn feasts yet to be fulfilled at his return. The Feast of Trumpets will be fulfilled at the resurrection & translation of the saints. Now […]
1 Cor 12:11-27. Paul uses the example of the human body to teach about the unity and diversity of the church. He demonstrates that the church is a spiritual organism made up of individual gifted members who are joined to Christ’s life. But what is “body life” and how can we best experience it?
1 Cor 2:9-14. Among the invaluable ministries of The Holy Spirit is his work of illuminating the scriptures. Through illumination He reveals Christ, shares the secret of grace, shows us the hope of His calling and revives our hearts again & again.
1 Cor 15:1-4. All through the Old Testament, with prophecies, types and shadows, there are incredible predictions and allusions to the cross. The cross is the glorious centre piece of the scriptures and the gospel, where Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures.