Jericho’s Walls & Rahab’s Faith

Heb 11:30-31.Josh 6:1-25. The author of Hebrews tells us that the Jericho walls came tumbling down because of faith. Yes, it was by the power and the grace of God, nevertheless, the people’s faith is instrumental in this event. How many times in our own lives may the presence or absence of a living faith […]

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The Fearless Faith of Moses’ Parents

Heb 11:23. Exod 1-2: In the face of evil, these Hebrew parents risked all to save their little baby boy in Egypt. Through their act of faith, a whole nation was later delivered by the hand of their son Moses. Let us live by faith, not fearing our enemy, but trusting in our God.

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A Faith that looks Beyond the Grave

Heb 11:13-19. Abraham, Isaac & Jacob did not see the fulfillment of the promises in their lifetime and yet believed with unwavering faith right to the end. Their faith even saw beyond the grave, knowing God would be faithful. Let us also have a faith that looks beyond the grave.

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The Certainty of things we cannot see

Heb 11:7-12. The writer of Hebrews describes faith as being certain of the things which are unseen. In effect, faith enables us to see the invisible. Noah was warned of things not yet seen and Abraham Left Ur, not yet having yet seen the land. These men of faith were moved to action through seeing […]

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The Assurance of Things Hoped For

Heb 11:1-6. Faith is beautifully described as the assurance that the things we hope for will come to pass, and certainty that the things we cannot see, truly exist. This is more than some vague belief or wavering idea, but a sure conviction that moves us on. Let us always be a people who live […]

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Will You Lay Down Your Life for Me?

John 13:36-38. The searching question Jesus asked Peter is one for all of us. Our faith could be likened to a see-saw, in that it is either in Christ or in ourselves. One end must be up, while the other is It down. Peter was strong in self-reliance and confident in his own strength but […]

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The Good Hand of God

Ezra 7 & 8 (with Slideshow). As Ezra travels from Babylon to Jerusalem, with the decree of Artaxerxes the Persian King, Ezra was well aware that God’s providential hand was with them. It is such a comfort and encouragement for us to know that the good hand of God is with us also.

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I Am The Bread of Life

John 6:22-71. In this astounding discourse, Jesus lays clear claim to his deity in saying that He was the Bread from Heaven above. Once again we see responses of unbelief and rejection by many and the faith of a few. May we also echo the words of Peter as he said “To whom else shall […]

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Walking on the Water

John 6:15-21 Jesus perfoms yet another of John’s recorded 7 signs, walking on water. As well as a clear demonstration of His deity, this sign is clearly for the faith and comfort of His disciples. How often they would reflect back to this time and be strengthened in their faith.

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Consider the Miracle of the Loaves

John 6:1-14 Here Jesus performed one of John’s 7 signs, clearly proving He was the Messiah and The Son of God.  It is such an astounding miracle and brings such comfort to our hearts of who He is in our lives with his power, assurance, provision and life He gives.  We do well to consider […]

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