A Leper, A Paralytic & A Tax Collector

Luke 5:12-39. These 3 encounters with Jesus speak to us regarding our own Christian life and walk. Jesus cleanses the leper, heals the Paralytic & calls the Tax Collector. In the same way Jesus cleanses us from sin through mercy, enables us to stand & walk with God through His Spirit in us and calls […]

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The Feast of Tabernacles

Lev 23:33-36. We realise how astounding Jesus’ claims to give “living water” and to be the “light of the world” were when we consider the context and practises of the feast. We also see how Sukkot was a foreshadowing of the Kingsom to come!

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The Day of Atonement

Leviticus 16. On the most high, holy day on the Jewish calendar, The Day of Atonement was a day for the annual, national foregiveness of the nationa of Israel. The High Priest would enter in to the holiest place in the temple by mean of a blood sacrifice. But what is the significance of this […]

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By His Grace

1 Corinthians 15:8-10, Ephesians 2:8-10. Two important truths for us to understand more and more are (1) how unworthy we are to receive anything from God as sinners, and (2) how much His grace has been abundantly poured out upon us. Oh how that should create such thankfulness and praise in our lives! (One mistake […]

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Jonah, The Reluctant Prophet

Jonah 1-4. This insightful overview of The Book of Jonah explores important principles we can learn from these chapters, including the divine providence, the heart of God, the nature of repentance, and the ways of man. There are certainly key lessons we can learn and apply to our worldview and daily living from this great […]

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Resist Evil, Shut the Gates, Stand for Truth

Nehemiah 13:1-31. Christians must learn how to “shut the gates” on temptation, compromise and the enemy. Rather than set ourselves up for failure, we must plan for victory. This doesn’t happen by accident but by giving no place to the devil, resisting evil, making no provision for the flesh or by “shutting the gates” 

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According to Your Abundant Mercies

Neh 9:22-38. In this great chapter, God’s people reflect on their history of God’s abundant mercy towards them. Even though they failed time and time again, He never forsook them but was ready to forgive them and would always work to bring them back to himself. What encouraging commentary this is for us, knowing that […]

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A Gracious God, Ready to Pardon

Neh 9:1-22. Two truths that run through Israel’s history, are “the sinfulness of men” and “God’s unfailing, covenant love”. Though they forsook Him, He never forsook them. We draw so much encouragement from knowing we are also the children of grace and he will never leave us or forsake us. 

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Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Gal 6:1-5. Love is not dormant or inactive, but like the Samaritan of Luke 10, it comes right where a hurting brother may lie, with gentleness and compassion, seeks to restore him. This is an example of How God’s love is made evident in our ministry one to another.

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Man’s Demerit & God’s Unmerited Favour

Through the Bible, we see that Man’s demerit over and against God’s unmerited favour. These 2 doctrines help us understand the glorious gospel. Man is a bankrupt debtor with nothing to offer, no righteousness, no merit, no answer, no defense. He is undeserving and unworthy and yet becomes the great benefactor of God’s matchless grace. […]

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