With Discipleship Comes Stewardship

Luke 16:1-18. As disciples & pilgrims passing through, we are called upon to make investments that will have eternal dividends. We are not to be foolish and only live for this world, but in wisdom to redeem the time, live by faith and store up treasures in Heaven. 

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The Cost of Discipleship

Luke 14:25-26. Jesus often seems to resist or push back when people would follow after Him. He lays out the price of discipleship and helps us count the cost. However, He is surely looking for some push back from us – some faith, commitment, tenacity and sacrifice. May we show ourselves to be “steadfastly minded” […]

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The Call of Grace

Luke 5:1-11. When Peter saw the miracle of the catch of fish at Galilee, he knew he was a sinful man, in the presence of God. He initially tells the Lord to leave him, for he was yet to learn that the call is based on grace, not on merit. The miracle of the fish […]

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Established, Encouraged & Standing Fast

1 Thes 3:1-13. Are you standing fast in The Lord? That is the question at the heart of this passage. Paul was concerned, that as the Thessalonians had faced trouble and persecution, that they may have fallen away. He was deeply concerned for them, just as we should be for our brothers. Where are they? […]

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God’s Work of Redemption

Ruth 1:1-22. Naomi leaves Israel with 3 men in her family and returns years later with one Moabitess daughter-in-law. Ruth, the Moabitess, expressed more faith than Naomi as they returned to The Promised Land. Naomi had suffered such tragedy in losing her husband and then her 2 sons. She had become bitter over her life […]

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Paul, Felix & Convenient Christianity

Acts 24:1-27. Is there a convenient kind of Christianity that some might choose today? On their terms and conditions? Felix and Drucilla typified this attitude when they told Paul they would hear him when it was convenient for them. These principle is deeply instructive for us we follow after Christ.

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Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

John 12:20-26. Jesus predicted his own suffering and resurrection on multiple occasions. After declaring that he must go to His cross in other gospel accounts, he says to be his diciples we must deny oursleves and take up our cross. What does it mean to take up YOUR cross?

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The Great Commission

Matthew 28:16-20 At the end of Matthews gospel Jesus commissions his disciples to take the gospel to all nations, making disciples and baptising them in His name. These powerful words help us define our mission and purpose as evangelical Christians as we go forth with the gospel.

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I Am The Bread of Life

John 6:22-71. In this astounding discourse, Jesus lays clear claim to his deity in saying that He was the Bread from Heaven above. Once again we see responses of unbelief and rejection by many and the faith of a few. May we also echo the words of Peter as he said “To whom else shall […]

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Loved with Unconditional Love

1 John 4:16-19. Each believer must be personally persuaded of God’s Agape love towards them. John could call himself the disciple that Jesus loved, for he was persuaded of that. May we also be able to call ourselves the one whom Jesus loves

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