Do not Boast Against the Branches

Romans 11:18. Paul’s warning to the Gentiles in the Roman church, not to be arrogant towards the Jews, is a sobering message. As we look closely at this passage, and other relevant Scriptures concerning Israel and the Church, we examine whether this warning was heeded by Gentile churches and consider how Paul’s teaching should shape […]

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The Forerunner & The Coming Messiah

The last prophetical voice of the OT left us with a promise of a forerunner who would prepare the way for the Messiah (Mal 3:1, 4:5-6). 490 silent years left us waiting, until that silence was broken with an angelic visitation and the promise fulfilled. Luke opens with a flurry of angelic visitations and announcements […]

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According to Your Abundant Mercies

Neh 9:22-38. In this great chapter, God’s people reflect on their history of God’s abundant mercy towards them. Even though they failed time and time again, He never forsook them but was ready to forgive them and would always work to bring them back to himself. What encouraging commentary this is for us, knowing that […]

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The Law vs The Promise

Gal 3:15-29. What purpose does the law serve? If the blessing to Abraham is by promise and justification is by faith, then why does the law do? Paul teaches here that the law reveals our sin and need that we would come to Christ by faith. 

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Daniel’s Prayer of Intercession

Dan 9:16-23. When reading Jeremiah’s prophecies, Daniel realises that the 70 year Babylonian captivity is almost over and restoration to the land was promised. This moves him to prayer, to confession and to intercession. IN this passage, based on God’s coevent and mercy, Daniel intercedes for Israel asking for God to bring that promised restoration […]

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The Testimony of Joseph’s Bones

Heb 11:22.Joseph made an incredible request by faith on his death bed. He asked that when God’s people were delivered at the exodus that his bones would be taken and buried in the Promised Land. He truly believed it would all happen as God had said. For the generations ahead, through all the years of […]

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Faith that Leans on God Alone (Part 1)

Heb 11:21. Do we sometimes lean on our own understanding, walk in our own ways, depend on our own strength? That was like Jacob. But that changed after God met him at Penuel. From then on he would walk with a limp, leaning on his staff, always reminded of his great need for God and […]

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Faith in Things to Come

Heb 11:20. The Patriarchs all died in faith, never actually seeing the fulfillment of the covenant to them and their seed. Nevertheless, they believed until the very end. Isaac, though a man subject to times of unbelief, blessed his sons according to the covenant by faith. How encouraging for us to see that God takes […]

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A Faith that looks Beyond the Grave

Heb 11:13-19. Abraham, Isaac & Jacob did not see the fulfillment of the promises in their lifetime and yet believed with unwavering faith right to the end. Their faith even saw beyond the grave, knowing God would be faithful. Let us also have a faith that looks beyond the grave.

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