Revelation Chapters 6-7 present the scene for the breaking of the 7 seals. But is the scroll? what happens when the seals are broken? What events happen on the earth as a result? Who is the rider on the white horse? Who are the 144000 and the redeemed in chap 7? Let us seek these […]
The book of Revelation, chapters 4-5, usher us into the throne room, to behold the Lion of Judah take the scroll, poised to break the 7 seals. But what do the seals mean? What happens on earth when the seals are broken? Who is the rider of the first horse? How is this all contributing […]
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the 4 visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic timeline, sweeping across world empires to the final rule of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His program and redemptive purposes.
Dan 7-9. The visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic foundation for the book of Revelation, spanning the ages, through world empires to the final, last Gentile Empire of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His plan of redemption!