God’s Invisible Hand of Providence

Rom 8:28. God’s name is not mentioned in the Book of Esther, but His hand is clearly seen throughout. As Christians, we believe in God’s hand of providence and redemption and we know He works all things together for good. 

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God’s Providence & The Feast of Purim

How often do we out things down to chance or coincidence, when actually God may well be working? Although God’s name is not actually mentioned in the book of Esther, His hand is so clearly seen. God’s seeming silence does not mean his absence, for He is surely at work to providentially bring about his […]

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Looking to that Final day

Dan 12:5-13. What are we to make of the days we live in? What is the timeline in God’s program? Will there be a tribulation, a resurrection, a kingdom? How are we to understand prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled in the future?

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The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Dan 12:1-4. In light of end times prophecy, how are we to think of the world with the current pestilences, wars, earthquakes, and events on the political world stage? Where exactly is everything heading? In this last great prophetic vision of Daniel, we consider the end times, specifically the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, also known […]

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Christ Our Passover

Exodus 12:1-14. The remarkable story of Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt centres around the sacrifice of The Passover Lamb. The New Testament clearly declares that Christ is OUR Passover, sacrificed for us. What treasures can we discover as we explore this amazing truth together?

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Paul’s Ministry in Malta & Rome

Acts 28:1-31. After being shipwrecked and wintering on the island of Malta, Paul and the crew finally make it to Rome, where Paul is seen ministering and teaching at the close of the book. How inspiring this is for us all to consider the plan of God and the opportunities afforded us.

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Paul’s Powerful Testimony to The Jews

Acts 22:1-30. Now in Jerusalem, Paul is accused and dragged out of the temple by the Jews. The Roman Commander comes to his rescue and allows Paul, from of the top of the temple stairs, to addess the angry crowd in Hebrew. This chapter covers Paul’s masterful and powerful defense of the gopel and his […]

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Sancitifed Vessels in Babylon

Dan 1:1-21. Daniel, among the captives taken to Babylon, finds himself in a foriegn land, confronted with a new culture, world view and religion. He and his 3 friends serve as amazing examples of how to stand true, as sanctified vessels, in a changing world and post-Christian culture.

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Book of Esther (Survey Class)

Book of Esther (Slideshow Download Available) In this classic historical story of providence, the invisible hand and evident work of God is crystal clear. While Haman sought for the destruction of all the Jewish people, God uses Esther and Mordecai to bring out a miraculous deliverance of His people.

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Grafted into the Olive Tree

(We apologise that the Introduction of this sermon was not recorded) Romans 11:17 (Slideshow Download Available) In Rom 11 Paul teaches that the Gentiles partake in the Spiritual blessings of the Abrahamic covenant, pictured in being grafted into the tree and connected to the thr rich root of blessing.

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