With Discipleship Comes Stewardship

Luke 16:1-18. As disciples & pilgrims passing through, we are called upon to make investments that will have eternal dividends. We are not to be foolish and only live for this world, but in wisdom to redeem the time, live by faith and store up treasures in Heaven. 

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Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

John 12:20-26. Jesus predicted his own suffering and resurrection on multiple occasions. After declaring that he must go to His cross in other gospel accounts, he says to be his diciples we must deny oursleves and take up our cross. What does it mean to take up YOUR cross?

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I Am The Bread of Life

John 6:22-71. In this astounding discourse, Jesus lays clear claim to his deity in saying that He was the Bread from Heaven above. Once again we see responses of unbelief and rejection by many and the faith of a few. May we also echo the words of Peter as he said “To whom else shall […]

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