The Birth of Christ

Luke 2:1-7. As Christians, our hearts fill with wonder as we consider the birth of our Saviour. There was no room in the Inn, but he found His place at the manger scene. Likewise, the gospel does not ask if we are prepared, clean or ready, but simply asks “is there room?”. 

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What Child is This?

Luke 2:8-20. One of the carols puts forth the all-important question “What Child is This?”. So many know the events of the Christmas story, without knowing the actual meaning. Who was born that day? Why did He need to come? And what does it mean for you or me? May God answer these questions afresh […]

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Emmanuel God with Us

Matt 1:18-22. At birth He was wrapped in linen and laid in a manger and at his death He was wrapped in linen and laid in the tomb. As Christians we understand how the manger and the cross are connected, for He became flesh and dwelt among us, partaking of flesh and blood, so he […]

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Christmas Prophecies

In the opening chapters of Matt & Luke, several prophecies are noted to have been fulfilled around the time of the birth of the Messiah. In Matt 2 alone, 4 prophecies concerning geographical locations are wonderfully fulfilled. Oh, What encouragement and persuasion we find for our faith in these passages!

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Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Luke 2:1-7,Matthew 1:18-25. The greatest story every told, the greatest event in Human history and the greatest person who ever lived. In the Christmas story, through Luke & Matthew, we come to the moment of the birth

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The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary

Luke 1:28-55. In this Christmas Sermon we consider Lukes account of Mary being visited by the angel, giving her the news that she would bring forth a child, the messiah for the Jews and Saviour for all.

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