Tit 3:1-15. How healthy is for us to remember where we were before we came to Christ. It can give us a fresh capacity to be “zealous for good works” and also to see the world with compassion and not with cynicism. Paul reminds Titus and the Cretans of thier past when he says “at […]
Titus 2:9-15. Is it easy for you & I to slip into a works program? Do we easily lose sight of grace? After Paul has instructed Timothy regarding the godly conduct he expects from the Men & Women in the church, he clearly reminds Titus, and all of us, that such conduct and godliness is […]
Titus 2:1-8. Paul advises Titus on how to instruct the Older Men, Older Women, Younger Women, and Younger Men in the church. We find wonderful principles relating to our personal stewardship, family fellowship and corporate investment in these helpful verses. Where might you fit into this picture?
Tit 1:10-1:16. After laying out the criteria for elders (6-9), Paul goes on to describe the attitudes and actions of false teachers (10-16). False teaching is all around us in the 21st century and great care and discernment is required to avoid being taken in by error.
Tit 1:5-9. The New Testament is clear that elders are the essential leadership needed in a local church, but how do we know who is suited for such a position? Paul gives Titus a descriptive list of what a godly pastor (elder or overseer) should be and shouldn’t be in this crucial passage.