As the years have passed, I have found immense value in taking an account of the graces given in my life. It’s a healthy spiritual exercise to “count your blessings, name them one by one”. 1 Sam 12:24 says to “consider what great things God has done for you”. That consideration is good for the heart. We owe it to ourselves to often hit the pause button often and recognize the gift of the moment, the value of people and the opportunities given in the particular season you are in. An attitude (or “altitude”) of gratitude makes all the difference doesn’t it?
Over the years we would often say to each other “can you believe we get to do this?” It certainly fosters a sense of privilege and thankfulness for the rich life we get to live day in and day out. Marina & I have said that often this year here in Peacehaven. We are amazed at what God has allowed us to do and be a part of. We have sensed his blessings and been very aware of his great grace upon us. I am personally so thankful to be pastoring and ministering back here in my home country and to have such an incredible opportunity at PEFC and in this new missionfield. We are deeply thankful, have a great expectation and believe that the best is yet to come.
Some time ago my wife and I read a simple article that deeply blessed us. A young family had spent a few hours at the beach when the weather turned and they had to pack up. It was the usual spectacle of a family juggling sandy beach toys and wet towels in their arms and attempting to convince the kids to comply with the exit strategy. Whining and resistance followed. As they finally trudge through the sand, laden with beach stuff and children, an elderly man looked at them, smiled, leaned over to his wife and said “Oh do you remember dear? …those were the best days of our life, weren’t they?”
It serves up a powerful lesson. How wise it is to realize NOW that these really are the best days of our life. The days very quickly turn into months and years and graduations come speedily. We have now coined the phrase “these are the best days of our life” and say it to each other as a reminder, especially in the face of family mayhem and pressures of life. It can help put things back in the right perspective.
Let’s hit the pause button often, consider His great graces and embrace the best days of our life.