Christ Died, was Buried & was Raised

TREES THAT CLAP THEIR HANDS I remember my first ever time hearing the gospel. I walked into that little home Bible study in Bromley, Kent to the warm welcome of a handful of people and a pastor who was going to share from the Bible. They sang a few songs...

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Christmas Unwrapped

CHRISTMAS CAROLS NEVER THE SAME I will always remember my first Christmas as a new Christian in 1989. The Christmas carols I had sung throughout my youth now rang out so clearly with the high truths of the gospel. Somehow I had never truly heard them before, but now, with...

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How & Why Christianity?

The short answer to this question, for those who do not have the time or inclination to read this blog, is the great message of the Gospel and Jesus Christ. This blog is a summary of my personal journey to Christianity with consideration of some of the things that guided...

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