This Man Went Home Justified

Luke 18:9-17. This timeless parable helps answer the all-important question of how a man can be Justified before God. Is it by works that we are saved? Or by faith? And if it’s by believing only, then what is the purpose of the Law?

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The Rich Man & Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31. This story confronts us with the sobering reality of man’s ultimate destiny in the afterlife, either in heaven or hell. The rich man only lived for this life and love of money and never coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. Lazarus found the eternal comfort and peace that the gospel offers to […]

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The Kingdom of God

Luke 13:18-35. What is the Kingdom of God like? How can we be sure we will enter in? Will many or few be saved? How do we enter in the narrow gate? Will there be a literal, future Messianic Kingdom on the earth? These important questions are addressed in this challenging passage of scripture. 

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What Child is This?

Luke 2:8-20. One of the carols puts forth the all-important question “What Child is This?”. So many know the events of the Christmas story, without knowing the actual meaning. Who was born that day? Why did He need to come? And what does it mean for you or me? May God answer these questions afresh […]

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The Gospel of Grace

Acts 20:24. Why is the gospel “good news”? Is it true that someone can be saved in a moment of faith, without works? What does a person really have to do to be saved? Isn’t “just believing” too easy? As we consider the astounding, pure gospel of grace afresh it deeply encourages us in our […]

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By Grace & Not by Works

Ephesians 2:8-9 , Galatians 3:22-25. Why did Paul make sure the word ‘grace’ featured in the opening and closing passages of all his epistles? If the law of Moses was perfect why can none of us be justified by the ‘works of the law’? We are saved by grace through faith not by works of […]

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By His Grace

1 Corinthians 15:8-10, Ephesians 2:8-10. Two important truths for us to understand more and more are (1) how unworthy we are to receive anything from God as sinners, and (2) how much His grace has been abundantly poured out upon us. Oh how that should create such thankfulness and praise in our lives! (One mistake […]

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No one Can be Saved by Good Works

Gal 3:6-14. Paul spells it out as clear as can be. The false teachers were proposing that salvation came through observing the law, but Paul tells the Galatians that “no one is justified by the law”. In our modern language that means that no one goes to heaven by good works. Salvation is only through […]

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Remember, You Were Lost, but Now Are Found

Eph 2:11. Just like Israel of old, we are commanded to always remember all that God has done. How refreshing and heart-stirring it is to look back & consider that we were dead in our sins, without Christ, without hope, and without God and yet now we are now found in Christ, complete, saved, and […]

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Paul’s Testifies Before King Agrippa

Acts 26:1-32. Paul the aged now make his defense before King Agrippa and lays out 3 clear points. 1. He was a strict, fervent pharisee 2. He became a persecutor of the way  3. He is now an Apostle of Christ. And how did that happen? He met the living Christ Jesus and his life […]

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