Circumstances to Advance The Gospel

Phil 1:12-18. Paul wrote to the Philippians about a Joy that is not determined by outward circumstances. In fact, as Paul spoke of rejoicing in The Lord, he wrote from a Roman prison cell. Furthermore, Paul explained that his circumstances had worked for the furtherance of the gospel purpose. May we also be able to […]

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Paul’s Ministry in Malta & Rome

Acts 28:1-31. After being shipwrecked and wintering on the island of Malta, Paul and the crew finally make it to Rome, where Paul is seen ministering and teaching at the close of the book. How inspiring this is for us all to consider the plan of God and the opportunities afforded us.

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Discerning False Teachers

Tit 1:10-1:16. After laying out the criteria for elders (6-9), Paul goes on to describe the attitudes and actions of false teachers (10-16). False teaching is all around us in the 21st century and great care and discernment is required to avoid being taken in by error.

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Paul, Felix & The Appeal to Ceasar

Acts 25:1-27. Do ever get the sense you are overwhelmed & overpowered? This could have been the case for Paul as he stood before The Roman Govenor, The Herodian King and all the city officials.But He knew God was with him and was ordering his very steps. How comforting it was fodHim to know that […]

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Paul, Felix & Convenient Christianity

Acts 24:1-27. Is there a convenient kind of Christianity that some might choose today? On their terms and conditions? Felix and Drucilla typified this attitude when they told Paul they would hear him when it was convenient for them. These principle is deeply instructive for us we follow after Christ.

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Onesimus The Runaway Slave

Philemon 1:1-25. The short letter from Paul to Philemon addresses the situation of a runaway slave who had since become a Christian and now returns to his master, seeking forgivness, to now be receieved as a brother. How will Philemon respond? How does this story parallel our own story of redemption?

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