Christ Foreshadowed in the Spring Feasts

The New Testament writers open up the secret of the feasts and show is that they lay down a prophetic timeline of the person and work of Christ. Paul clearly states that the feasts were a shadow of things to come and the reality is found in Christ (Col 2:18-19). May our hearts stand in […]

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He is Risen Indeed (Easter Sunday)

Matthew 28:6. Drawing from all 4 gospels, we piece together a composite view of the resurrection timeline. Follow along in this glorious story, from when our Lord’s lifeless body was laid in the tomb, to His multiple resurrection appearances. Everything changes when we see that He is risen indeed!! 

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The Resurrection Story

Harmonizing the gospel accounts gives us an insightful, composite view of the resurrection timeline as we consider the greatest event in history! Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, for He is risen! 

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The Dead in Christ Shall Rise

1 Thes 4:13-18. The Thessalonians were waiting expectantly for the Son’s return (1:10). They knew the church would be removed before the day of wrath, but had a question about those Christian’s who had passed on before them? Had they missed the resurrection? What would happen to their bodies? Were they now with the Lord? […]

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Waiting for The Son from Heaven

1 Thes 1:10. How sad it is that teaching on the 2nd coming and End times seems so rare in churches today! The scriptures speak so much about it. In this study, we consider the 5 portions at the end of each chap in 1 Thes that look to His return. To be actively waiting, […]

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Christ Died For Our Sins

1 Cor 15:1-4. The centre-piece of the glorious gospel is the astounding fact that Christ died for our sins. This timeless truth echoes through the scriptures, foreshadowed in the Old Testament and brightly shining forth in the New!

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The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Dan 12:1-4. In light of end times prophecy, how are we to think of the world with the current pestilences, wars, earthquakes, and events on the political world stage? Where exactly is everything heading? In this last great prophetic vision of Daniel, we consider the end times, specifically the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, also known […]

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Not Seeing, Yet Believing

John 20:20-31. Thomas was not present at that first meeting when Jesus appeared to the group. He stubbornly told the others he would not believe unless he saw and touched from himself. The following Sunday his stubborn unbelief would be turned into living faith when he saw the risen Christ and said “my Lord, My […]

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A Faith that looks Beyond the Grave

Heb 11:13-19. Abraham, Isaac & Jacob did not see the fulfillment of the promises in their lifetime and yet believed with unwavering faith right to the end. Their faith even saw beyond the grave, knowing God would be faithful. Let us also have a faith that looks beyond the grave.

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I Deliver To You The Gospel

1 Cor 15:1-20. What is the essence of the Gospel? Will there be a future, bodily resurrection for the Christian? How can we be sure? In this glorious chapter on the resurrection, Paul addresses the question. He builds the case on the certainty of Christ’s past resurrection and connects it to our future resurrection. He […]

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