Rom 8:28. God’s name is not mentioned in the Book of Esther, but His hand is clearly seen throughout. As Christians, we believe in God’s hand of providence and redemption and we know He works all things together for good.
Rom 8:28. God’s name is not mentioned in the Book of Esther, but His hand is clearly seen throughout. As Christians, we believe in God’s hand of providence and redemption and we know He works all things together for good.
Luke 5:12-39. These 3 encounters with Jesus speak to us regarding our own Christian life and walk. Jesus cleanses the leper, heals the Paralytic & calls the Tax Collector. In the same way Jesus cleanses us from sin through mercy, enables us to stand & walk with God through His Spirit in us and calls […]
Jesus came ‘to give His life a ransom for many’ (Matthew 20:28). Those who believe in the Lord Jesus are redeemed by His ‘precious blood’ (1 Peter 1:18-19). Why could only Jesus pay the ransom price to release us from the deadly results of our sin? How did He achieve this and what does it […]
Luke 2:21-38 As we consider the characters surrounding the birth of Christ, we come to Simeon & Anna. These 2 precious saints were part of the believing remnant, waiting for the redemption of Israel, the coming of The Messiah. Not characters typically heard about during Christmas, nevertheless, they were key witnesses of the Christ child.