Jonah, The Reluctant Prophet

Jonah 1-4. This insightful overview of The Book of Jonah explores important principles we can learn from these chapters, including the divine providence, the heart of God, the nature of repentance, and the ways of man. There are certainly key lessons we can learn and apply to our worldview and daily living from this great […]

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Paul Delivered From an Evil Plot

Acts 23:1-35. After standing before the high Council of The Sanhedrin, a plot against Paul’s life is discovered by The Roman Commander. By God’s providence Paul is spared and taken from Jerusalem to Caesarea, one step closer to Rome, where he will then make his defense before Felix, The govenor of Judea.  

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Book of Esther (Survey Class)

Book of Esther (Slideshow Download Available) In this classic historical story of providence, the invisible hand and evident work of God is crystal clear. While Haman sought for the destruction of all the Jewish people, God uses Esther and Mordecai to bring out a miraculous deliverance of His people.

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God Works Things Together

Esther 4:1-17 As we consider the story of Esther we see God’s undeniable hand of providence working behind the scenes in the lives of people to accomplish his plan. This is such a comfort for all believers as we consider his providencial hand of care in our own lives.

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The Good Hand of God

Ezra 7 & 8 (with Slideshow). As Ezra travels from Babylon to Jerusalem, with the decree of Artaxerxes the Persian King, Ezra was well aware that God’s providential hand was with them. It is such a comfort and encouragement for us to know that the good hand of God is with us also.

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