The Law vs The Promise

Gal 3:15-29. What purpose does the law serve? If the blessing to Abraham is by promise and justification is by faith, then why does the law do? Paul teaches here that the law reveals our sin and need that we would come to Christ by faith. 

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Seeing Him Who is Invisible

Heb 11:26-28. Moses is an example of a man who lived by faith. He faced Pharah and eventually brought God’s people out of Egypt and endured by seeing Him who was invisible. What does that mean for us? How can we endure? How can we see the invisible God?

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The Testimony of Joseph’s Bones

Heb 11:22.Joseph made an incredible request by faith on his death bed. He asked that when God’s people were delivered at the exodus that his bones would be taken and buried in the Promised Land. He truly believed it would all happen as God had said. For the generations ahead, through all the years of […]

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Heb 11:22. All through Joseph’s trials and troubles, he was able to continue by faith, believing that The Lord was with him, sensing God’s s blessing and trusting he had a plan. In the end he was free to forgive his brothers and move on into blessings by faith. May we also be able to […]

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Faith that Leans on God Alone (Part 2)

Heb 11:21. This chapter records some great acts of faith, like passing through the red sea and seeing the Jericho walls fall. Yet of Jacob it simply says “when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff”. What was that so significant? How did […]

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Faith that Leans on God Alone (Part 1)

Heb 11:21. Do we sometimes lean on our own understanding, walk in our own ways, depend on our own strength? That was like Jacob. But that changed after God met him at Penuel. From then on he would walk with a limp, leaning on his staff, always reminded of his great need for God and […]

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A Faith that looks Beyond the Grave

Heb 11:13-19. Abraham, Isaac & Jacob did not see the fulfillment of the promises in their lifetime and yet believed with unwavering faith right to the end. Their faith even saw beyond the grave, knowing God would be faithful. Let us also have a faith that looks beyond the grave.

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The Certainty of things we cannot see

Heb 11:7-12. The writer of Hebrews describes faith as being certain of the things which are unseen. In effect, faith enables us to see the invisible. Noah was warned of things not yet seen and Abraham Left Ur, not yet having yet seen the land. These men of faith were moved to action through seeing […]

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Assurance In The Storm

Acts 27:1-44. As Paul finally set sail for Rome to face trial before Caesar, he finds himself in a hurricane at sea. Yet Paul the prisoner was able to rest in the promise and assurance of God and be an encouragement to those on board. While we may face many trials and challenges as Christians, […]

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There is Hope For a Tree

Job 14:7-9. Israel’s Hope (Tikvah) has always rested on the faithful promises of God. In the same way, as believers we also have a living hope that rests in his promises and also looks towards the return of our Lord.

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