Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (Part 2)

John 17:8-17. Jesus prays to the father, requesting that all the promises made to his disciples would be fulfilled. What is so deeply encouraging is to find this prayer is not only for the 11 disciples, but for all of us. In this refreshing study we consider questions such as, What does glory mean? What […]

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Ex 25:10-22 (Slideshow Download Available). As we conclude this 7 part series on the Tabernacle we come into the The Most Holy Place and to The Ark of The Covenant & The Mercy Seat. As we consider the typology of the furniture we see the Ark representing the very throne of God, to which all […]

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The Altar of Incense & Prayer

Ex 30:1-10 (Slideshow Download Available) Continuing our series on The Tabernacle we come to the The Altar of Incense. This sacred piece of furniture, facing the mercy seat, beautifully speaks of our prayer life and open access to God’s throne room of grace.

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Leviticus (Survey Class)

Leviticus (Slideshow Download Available) After the tabernacle was instituted Leviticus was given as a handbook for the priesthood, giving clear guidelines on the sacrifices, priesthood and feasts, all of which beautifully foreshadow Christ and his own sacrifice for us.

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