Face to Face with Grace

Luke15.1-32. The most powerful moment in a Christian’s life is when they come face to face with grace in the nakedness of their sin. We may struggle to truly believe that God loves us fully and has forgiven us completely, but when God demonstrates His grace to us in that moment of our greatest unworthiness, […]

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Blessed are Those Who Hear

Luke 11:14-54. At the climax of His rejection by the Jewish leaders, Jesus exposes the hypocrisy and darkness of the Pharisees with several “Woes” against them. They were so close to the truth, but “blessed are those who hear the Word and keep it”. 

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Jesus, Pharisees & the Sabbath

Luke 6:1-19. The Pharisees turned a day of rest into the most burdensome day of the week. May God keep us from becoming like Pharisees with how we think about the Christianity, externals and other people!

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Stephen Before The Sanhedrin

Acts Chapter 7:1-60. This chapter records the incredible sermon and martyrdom of Stephen, one of the 7 chosen in chap 6. This is the first martyr of the early church as persecution begins at the leadership of Saul of Tarsus.

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