The Feeding of The 5000

Luke 9:1-17. Sandwiched between Herod’s question of “Who is this?” and Jesus’ question “Who Do You Say I am?” Is the astounding miracle of multiplying the loaves and fish. Each one must consider this miracle, among many, and then answer this all-important question! 

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Jonah, The Reluctant Prophet

Jonah 1-4. This insightful overview of The Book of Jonah explores important principles we can learn from these chapters, including the divine providence, the heart of God, the nature of repentance, and the ways of man. There are certainly key lessons we can learn and apply to our worldview and daily living from this great […]

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Jericho’s Walls & Rahab’s Faith

Heb 11:30-31.Josh 6:1-25. The author of Hebrews tells us that the Jericho walls came tumbling down because of faith. Yes, it was by the power and the grace of God, nevertheless, the people’s faith is instrumental in this event. How many times in our own lives may the presence or absence of a living faith […]

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Faith in The Fiery Furnace

Dan 3:1-30. Daniel’s three Hebrew friends defy King Nebuchadnezzar in that they would not bow down and worship the image he built. Their fate of the fiery furnace through uncompromising faith stands as a powerful testimony to us all in the tests and trials we might face in this life.

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I Am The Resurrection

John 11:1-54. In this last and final of John’s 7 recorded signs, we see Jesus set forth as the Messiah and the Son of God as he performs the most astounding miracle, raising Lazarus from the dead.

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I was Blind but Now I See

John 9:1-41. The Apostle John chooses the incredible miracle of the healing of the blind beggar as one of his proofs for the Messiahship of Jesus. The event is used by Jesus to also address the issue of spiritual blindness with the Pharisees.

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Walking on the Water

John 6:15-21 Jesus perfoms yet another of John’s recorded 7 signs, walking on water. As well as a clear demonstration of His deity, this sign is clearly for the faith and comfort of His disciples. How often they would reflect back to this time and be strengthened in their faith.

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The Healing at Bethesda

John 5:1-47. Jesus performs an incredible miracle in healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda. Once again we see the Jewish leaders reaction of unbelief as their rejection gets stronger through these chapters.His claims to be the son of the father, direct claims to equality with God, are too much for them to […]

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