He is Risen Indeed (Easter Sunday)

Matthew 28:6. Drawing from all 4 gospels, we piece together a composite view of the resurrection timeline. Follow along in this glorious story, from when our Lord’s lifeless body was laid in the tomb, to His multiple resurrection appearances. Everything changes when we see that He is risen indeed!! 

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The Resurrection Story

Harmonizing the gospel accounts gives us an insightful, composite view of the resurrection timeline as we consider the greatest event in history! Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, for He is risen! 

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Mary’s Song of Praise

Luke 1:39-55. The “Magnificat” records Mary’s response of faith as she magnifies The Lord. In her song there are astounding statements referring to God’s faithfulness, covenants, and promises. Just like Mary, may we also sing of “the great things God had done” for us and magnify Him each day. 

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Living with Faith & Expectation

Luke 2:21-39. Luke introduces us to Simeon & Anna, remnant believers who were waiting for the coming of Christ. Such expectation should also be in our hearts as New Testament believers, as we wait for Christ’s return. Come quickly Lord Jesus, come! 

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What Child is This?

Luke 1:5-66. Jesus, the son of Mary, yet clearly declared as the Son of God. The scriptures carefully preserve the doctrine of the Virgin birth, all important for Jesus to be both human and divine, to be sinless and qualify as our saviour and to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. “Veiled in flesh the […]

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The Silence is Broken

Luke 1:5-75. In considering the Christmas gospel story we explore the astounding predictions and announcements of Gabriel concerning the birth of John the Baptist and The Lord Himself. These announcements clearly magnify the fact that Jesus was the one promised to Abraham and David, and referred to by all the prophets. What is it that […]

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The Empty Tomb

John 20:1-20. The composite view of the resurrection story is not so easy to piece together. It takes some careful comparison of the gospels to lay down the timeline for that special Sunday morning. In this study of the most important day in history, we piece together the events that Resurrection morning.

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Crucified For Us

John 19:16-30. When Christ faced his final hour, it was with full awareness of what was ahead of him. He predicted his betrayal, the scourging and the crucifixion in detail. And yet, he went through the suffering and humiliation so he could cry out “It is finished” and to make a new and living way […]

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The Tomb, The Road, The Room, The Mount

Luke 24:1-53. After the cross the disciples thought it was all over. The one they had thought was the Messiah was now crucified. They didn’t recognise the prophecies that showed that he had to suffer. Fir this easter Sunday message we journey through this chapter and consider the resurrection appearances and restored faith.

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