The Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:18-30. This man asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”. But if we are not saved by works, or keeping the law, why did Jesus answer him the way he did? And what is the purpose of the law? or motive for doing good works then? And then how do we actually […]

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The Good Samaritan’s Neighbour

Luke 10:25-37. The Lawyer asked “Who is my neighbour, apparently believing that he was adequately loving his neighbour and earning eternal life. “Jesus uses this parable, which is so commonly misunderstood, to strip man of his righteousness and to reveal his need for grace and mercy. If you think a man can earn his way […]

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Making Kingdom Commitments by Faith

Neh 10:1-39. Do Christians today have to keep the Sabbath? Can we work on Sundays? Do we have to tithe? Are we under the law in some areas? These questions are addressed as we considered the Jewish remnant realign their hearts afresh to the law, making fresh commitments to God. 

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Glory in the Cross of Christ Alone

Gal 6:11-18. So easily our focus can begin to be what we do, rather than what Christ has done for us. We can begin to boast about our achievements and think we have merited God’s favour. This was the focus of the false teachers in Galatia. They boasted in their works and converts, but Paul, […]

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The Law vs The Promise

Gal 3:15-29. What purpose does the law serve? If the blessing to Abraham is by promise and justification is by faith, then why does the law do? Paul teaches here that the law reveals our sin and need that we would come to Christ by faith. 

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The Gospel to The Galatians

Gal 1:1-2, Act 13:14-43. This introductory class sets the stage for our journey through the wonderful book of Galatians. It is so crucial for every believer to understand the gospel of grace and learn how to apply it to their lives. This book provides the perfect opportunity to learn about grace and all that if […]

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Freedom in Christ

Gal 5:1. So many Christian’s sadly live under the bondage of the law, trying to live up to something rather than resting in someone. The grace gospel brings us victory, power and true freedom, but if we descend into a works program we find ourselves in bondage rather than freedom. Christ came to set us […]

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Continue in Grace

Acts 13:38-43. On the 1st Missionary trip, Paul & Barnabas persuaded the people to continue in the grace of God. They started by grace through faith, without works or merit and must continue in that same grace.

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