The Rich Man & Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31. This story confronts us with the sobering reality of man’s ultimate destiny in the afterlife, either in heaven or hell. The rich man only lived for this life and love of money and never coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. Lazarus found the eternal comfort and peace that the gospel offers to […]

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With Discipleship Comes Stewardship

Luke 16:1-18. As disciples & pilgrims passing through, we are called upon to make investments that will have eternal dividends. We are not to be foolish and only live for this world, but in wisdom to redeem the time, live by faith and store up treasures in Heaven. 

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Covetousness vs Contentment

Luke 12:12-34. In this heart searching passage, Jesus warns against covetousness, the insatiable desire and greed that always wants more. He tells the parable about the foolish farmer who has not consider eternity and only stored up treasure on the earth. Jesus clarifies that life is not about storing up treasures on earth, but also […]

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Jesus, The Way, The Truth & The Life

John 14:1-6. What did Jesus mean when He said He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life? And How do we know we have it? He also made the qualifier that no man comes to the Father unless it’s through Him. That seems so narrow and exclusive, doesn’t it? Can it really be that […]

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To Live is Christ

Phil 1:19-28. While on one hand Paul considers the immeasurable blessing of going on to heaven, he also recognizes the privilege and need to remain here on earth with a ministry to people. He concludes that to live is Christ, holding the desire that Christ be magnified in his life and also in his death. […]

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To Die in Your Sins

John 8:21-32 In this confrontation between jesus and The Pharisees, Jesus uses harsh words in the face of their unbelief, saying that as they reject him they would then die in their sins.  There are only two ways to die, either in your sins or in The Lord.  Blessed are they who die in The […]

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