The Identity of Jesus

Luke 8:22-56. Luke records some astounding miracles to show that Jesus had ultimate power and authority over nature, demons, sickness and even death itself. These miracles lead us to the question “Who do you say that I am?” (9:20). Thankfully, like Peter, we know the answer, that He is the Messiah, The Saviour and The […]

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Don’t Stumble Over Jesus, But Believe

Luke 7:18-35. John the Baptist began to wonder if Jesus was the one or if they should look for another. Jesus warned John not to stumble in his faith, but to continue and trust. When we might not understand God’s timing or ways, may we also not stumble, but rest in faith. 

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A Leper, A Paralytic & A Tax Collector

Luke 5:12-39. These 3 encounters with Jesus speak to us regarding our own Christian life and walk. Jesus cleanses the leper, heals the Paralytic & calls the Tax Collector. In the same way Jesus cleanses us from sin through mercy, enables us to stand & walk with God through His Spirit in us and calls […]

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The Power & Authority of Jesus

Luke 4:31-44. Are demons real? What was the purpose and effect of Christ’s public ministry? Are Christians subject to spiritual warfare? Can a Christian be demon possessed? By what authority can we overcome? As we begin to explore the public ministry of Christ we see how light overcomes darkness.

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Under the shadow of the Almighty

Psalm 91. This psalm speaks faith into our lives in a powerful and personal way. But why isn’t every Christian blessed, healed and delivered according to the promises of this psalm? Let’s consider it together. 

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Walking, Leaping and Praising God

Acts 3:1-26. The lame man went from begging at the gate to praising and leaping at in the temple! What a transformation by God’s power. This undeniable miracle set the stage for Peter to preach his 2nd incredible Christ-centred message, seeing 1000s come to faith.

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The Healing at Bethesda

John 5:1-47. Jesus performs an incredible miracle in healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda. Once again we see the Jewish leaders reaction of unbelief as their rejection gets stronger through these chapters.His claims to be the son of the father, direct claims to equality with God, are too much for them to […]

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