Ministering to One Another

John 13:35, Galatians 6:2, James 5:16. The “one another” principle runs all the way through the New Testament. For example, we are told to “love one another” – but what does that love actually look like? How is love expressed one to another? This sermon gives insights and application to this and various “one another” […]

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The Life of The Body

1 Cor 12:11-27. Paul uses the example of the human body to teach about the unity and diversity of the church. He demonstrates that the church is a spiritual organism made up of individual gifted members who are joined to Christ’s life. But what is “body life” and how can we best experience it? 

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The Relationship between Christ & The Church

Eph 5:22-27. Paul reveals that one central purpose of the marriage relationship is to reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church. He has a love that lays down it’s life to serve, the power to cleanse and the heart to care. As the bride, the church is to respond in a submission of love […]

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Keeping God at The Centre

Nehemiah 11. As We consider how Israel-of-Old repopulated Jerusalem after many years of exile and rebuilding, we are reminded how important it was for them to keep God at the centre. Especially in days like these, how careful we must be as Christians to order our lives with a focus on The Lord and His […]

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Are You Filled with The Spirit?

Eph 5:15-18. “Am I Spirit-Filled? Am I anointed? Gifted? Right with God? Saved? Blessed? Loved? Accepted?” These are the types of questions that can plague a Christian’s thinking. Many look for their answers based on a feeling or an experience and therefore suffer from spiritual insecurity. But God wants us to find assurance in His […]

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Acts 18:1-23 On Paul’s second missionary journey Paul and the team venture to places like Phillipi, Thes, Berea, Athens and finally Corinth. In this class, we explore his time in Corinth with the blessings and challenges of ministry that he experienced there.

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Baptism of The Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-4 (Slideshow Download Available). The feast of pentecost, or feast of weeks (Shavuot) was prophetic in that it waited fulfilment through the coming of The Holy Spirit and birth of the Church. This was marked with 3 signs, a sound, a sight and a gift of tongues. But what was this gift of tongues […]

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