The Jerusalem Council

Acts 15:1-41. At this crucial point of the gospel going forth to the Gentiles, the all-important question must be answered. What is the gospel? What does a Gentile, or a jew for that matter, really need to do to be saved?

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A Gospel for all Nations

Acts 10:1-48. Cornelius was a Roman Centurian and the first Gentile convert to Christianity. This wonderful story of divine workings and providence, brings Peter to the Gentile house to bring them the Gospel, a message for all nations!

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The Conversion of Saul

Acts 9:1-43. As persecution of the church increases and God sets the stage for the gospel to go out to the uttermost parts, we are introduced to His chosen vessel in this classic account of Saul of Tarsus’ conversion. Saul, one persecutor of the church, now becomes Paul, The apostle to the Gentiles.

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Grafted into the Olive Tree

(We apologise that the Introduction of this sermon was not recorded) Romans 11:17 (Slideshow Download Available) In Rom 11 Paul teaches that the Gentiles partake in the Spiritual blessings of the Abrahamic covenant, pictured in being grafted into the tree and connected to the thr rich root of blessing.

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