Salvation Comes to Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10. In this beautiful salvation story, we see this little, sinful tax collector come to faith in Jesus and find the free gift of salvation. He then demonstrates the fruit of a transformed life, changed through Christ. Perhaps you find yourself in this story also? Amazing grace extended to us all. 

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The Greatest Tragedy of All

Luke 13:1-17. Why do good people suffer? And how do we explain tragedy when it hits? Jesus uses this question to address the greatest tragedy of all, that someone would pass from this life without salvation! Jesus stresses the need to repent and turn to him while there is still time! Once we turn to […]

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What a Man Sows He Shall Reap

Gal 6:7-10. Many may wonder why they struggle with getting victory in their spiritual lives. The principle of sowing and reaping offers a clear answer to us all. If you sow the flesh, you reap of the flesh. We are exhorted as believers to sow to the spirit and then we will surely harvest of […]

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Remaining in the Vine

John 15:1-8 Jesus uses the wonderful analogy of the believers spiritual life being as a branch connected to the vine. Unless we abide in the life giving vine we cannot bear any fruit. (Other Verses Galatians 5:22-23)

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