Jesus & The Passover Seder

Ex 6:6-7. The Passover (Seder) Meal involved various parts & elements used to remember deliverance from Egypt. Jesus took the broken matzoh (Afikomen) and the 3rd cup of that night (cup of redemption) and said “do this in remembrance of me”. During Passover and every communion, we remember our salvation through Christ, the true Passover […]

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Remember, You Were Lost, but Now Are Found

Eph 2:11. Just like Israel of old, we are commanded to always remember all that God has done. How refreshing and heart-stirring it is to look back & consider that we were dead in our sins, without Christ, without hope, and without God and yet now we are now found in Christ, complete, saved, and […]

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The Kings of Syria & Egypt

Dan 11:1-20. IN one of the most detailed prophecies of the Bible, Daniel lays out the history that would come between the testaments, specifically focusing on the Kings of The North (Syria – The Seleucid Kingdom) and The Kings of The South (Egypt – The Ptolemaic Kingdom). He lays out this timeline to bring us […]

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Passing through The Red Sea by Faith

Heb 11:29. Exodus 14:1-31. Sometimes God may allow or even orchestrate circumstances in our lives where we feel trapped with no obvious way out. This is exactly what God did with Israel as they camped by The Red Sea. Trapped on every side, they could only trust God that He might deliver them and deliver […]

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Seeing Him Who is Invisible

Heb 11:26-28. Moses is an example of a man who lived by faith. He faced Pharah and eventually brought God’s people out of Egypt and endured by seeing Him who was invisible. What does that mean for us? How can we endure? How can we see the invisible God?

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Refusing and Choosing by Faith

Heb 11:24-25. Exodus 1 & 2. The author of Hebrews tells us that Moses was refusing one thing and choosing another. How can we live by faith and yet refuse certain things in this world and choose others? Faith will certainly be made evident in the convictions we have and the choices we make in […]

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The Testimony of Joseph’s Bones

Heb 11:22.Joseph made an incredible request by faith on his death bed. He asked that when God’s people were delivered at the exodus that his bones would be taken and buried in the Promised Land. He truly believed it would all happen as God had said. For the generations ahead, through all the years of […]

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Heb 11:22. All through Joseph’s trials and troubles, he was able to continue by faith, believing that The Lord was with him, sensing God’s s blessing and trusting he had a plan. In the end he was free to forgive his brothers and move on into blessings by faith. May we also be able to […]

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Meeting with God

Exodus 3:1-6, Acts 7:23-29. Sometimes God wants to get our attention. This happened with Moses when he saw the burning bush. God wanted to meet Him, speak to him and call him afresh, Moses turned aside, hear God’s voice, took off his shoes and met with God. How crucial it is for us to respond […]

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