Passing through The Red Sea by Faith

Heb 11:29. Exodus 14:1-31. Sometimes God may allow or even orchestrate circumstances in our lives where we feel trapped with no obvious way out. This is exactly what God did with Israel as they camped by The Red Sea. Trapped on every side, they could only trust God that He might deliver them and deliver […]

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Refusing and Choosing by Faith

Heb 11:24-25. Exodus 1 & 2. The author of Hebrews tells us that Moses was refusing one thing and choosing another. How can we live by faith and yet refuse certain things in this world and choose others? Faith will certainly be made evident in the convictions we have and the choices we make in […]

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Faith in The Fiery Furnace

Dan 3:1-30. Daniel’s three Hebrew friends defy King Nebuchadnezzar in that they would not bow down and worship the image he built. Their fate of the fiery furnace through uncompromising faith stands as a powerful testimony to us all in the tests and trials we might face in this life.

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Book of Esther (Survey Class)

Book of Esther (Slideshow Download Available) In this classic historical story of providence, the invisible hand and evident work of God is crystal clear. While Haman sought for the destruction of all the Jewish people, God uses Esther and Mordecai to bring out a miraculous deliverance of His people.

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