The Parable of The Minas

Luke 19:11-27. The disciples thought that when they reached Jerusalem, that the earthly Messianic Kingdom would appear. Jesus told this parable to correct this misconception and teach them that the Kingdom is yet to come, but now postponed. He also answers the question of what Christians should be doing during this time on earth and […]

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The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)

The Jewish feast of Shavuot (or Pentecost) looked back to the giving of the Law and the birth of Israel as a nation. For us as Christians, we look back to the giving of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. We are rejoicing in the new covenant and God’s spirit in us! […]

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Gathering to Hear God’s Word

Neh 8:1-18. When God’s people assemble with hungry hearts to hear the Word in unity and faith, God sends a blessing. With Ezra, The Book & the people gathered, the stage was set for a ministry of life. The Word is living, quick and powerful and searches our hearts to encourage, exhort and comfort and […]

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The Thankfulness of a Healed Leper

Luke 17:11-19. Man has an “internal leprosy” called SIN which caused us to stand afar off from God. But then we cried out to Jesus and have been cleansed by forgiveness and saved by grace. Like the one Samaritan leper, may we continually offer up a sacrifice of praise and thankfulness for His great grace! […]

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The Life of The Body

1 Cor 12:11-27. Paul uses the example of the human body to teach about the unity and diversity of the church. He demonstrates that the church is a spiritual organism made up of individual gifted members who are joined to Christ’s life. But what is “body life” and how can we best experience it? 

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1 Thes 2:1-20. In reflecting on the ministry they’d had in Thessaloniki, Paul lays out many characteristics of heart and attitude that should be evident in church ministry. Are you in it for the right reasons? Is it an occupation or a vocation? Do you truly love and care for the flock? May God search […]

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Glory in the Cross of Christ Alone

Gal 6:11-18. So easily our focus can begin to be what we do, rather than what Christ has done for us. We can begin to boast about our achievements and think we have merited God’s favour. This was the focus of the false teachers in Galatia. They boasted in their works and converts, but Paul, […]

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Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (Part 3)

John 17:18-26. As The Lord concludes this Priestly prayer to the Father, He prays for all believers to be sanctified by the truth and have unity. It would be through this unity that the world would know and believe in Christ. God’s will for our lives os to be set apart from the world unto […]

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The Fulfilment of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-10. Lev 23:15-20. It’s remarkable to consider that the Jewish Feasts provide a prophetic key or timeline to The Works of Christ. The Spring Feasts foreshadowed His 1st Coming and The Autumn feasts His 2nd. In this study, we explore the fulfillment of The Feast of Pentecost with the coming of The Holy Spirit […]

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