Daniel’s Prayer of Intercession

Dan 9:16-23. When reading Jeremiah’s prophecies, Daniel realises that the 70 year Babylonian captivity is almost over and restoration to the land was promised. This moves him to prayer, to confession and to intercession. IN this passage, based on God’s coevent and mercy, Daniel intercedes for Israel asking for God to bring that promised restoration […]

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Daniel’s Prayer of Confession

Daniel 9:1-15. From being a young exiled teenager, Daniel had now spent most of his life in Babylon. As an old man, he is studying the writings of the prophet Jeremiah and discovers that the captivity was prophesied to end after 70 years. As Daniel is now approaching 70 years in captivity, sensing where he […]

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The Book of Ezra (Survey)

Ezra (Slideshow Download Available) This Book covers the 1st return from Captivity under Zerubbabel (1-6) and the 2nd return under Ezra (7-10). The returned remnant were able to rebuild the temple in the face of great opposition, serving as a great model for us in the church age as Christ builds His church today.

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2 Chronicles Part 2 (Survey Class)

2 Chronicles (Slideshow Download Available) This, sadly a neglected book of the Bible, is filled with deep spiritual lessons and instructive messages found in the history of Judah’s Kings. We discover that the key to success for a King was how he responded to the Word and the prophets, in the same way we learn […]

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2 Kings (Survey Class)

2 Kings 1-25 (Slideshow Download Available) This amazing book continues following the history of Israel and Judah, tracing the decline and captivity of both. We see the inevitable consequences of sin and rebellion against God despite the words and warnings of the prophets. Our hearts are deeply instructed as we see that the success or […]

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The Lord Turns the Captivity

Ezra 1:1-11. After 70 years in Captivity, according to Jeremiah’s prophecy, God turns the captivity through Cyrus The Persian King. Now a remnant is free to return to Jerusalem to rebuild The Temple.

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