Christ Foreshadowed in the Spring Feasts

The New Testament writers open up the secret of the feasts and show is that they lay down a prophetic timeline of the person and work of Christ. Paul clearly states that the feasts were a shadow of things to come and the reality is found in Christ (Col 2:18-19). May our hearts stand in […]

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Consider the Miracle of the Loaves

John 6:1-14 Here Jesus performed one of John’s 7 signs, clearly proving He was the Messiah and The Son of God.  It is such an astounding miracle and brings such comfort to our hearts of who He is in our lives with his power, assurance, provision and life He gives.  We do well to consider […]

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The Seder Meal & The Passover

Matt, Mark, Luke, John. In this fascinating study we explore how that The Passover Feast, the elements of Passover meal and the actual Lamb were all pointing to Christ and actually fulfilled by him.  We consider the 4 cups used during the last Seder Meal through the gospels and their fulfilment in the gospel.

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