The Day of Atonement

Leviticus 16. On the most high, holy day on the Jewish calendar, The Day of Atonement was a day for the annual, national foregiveness of the nationa of Israel. The High Priest would enter in to the holiest place in the temple by mean of a blood sacrifice. But what is the significance of this […]

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Christ the Passover Lamb

Luke 22:14-16 (Slideshow Download Available) A Good Friday Easter sermon considering Christ our passover Lamb slain for us. The passover feast and passover lamb were merely shadows of the reality, which was Christ.In this wonderful type we see the work of the cross in such a unique light.

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Leviticus (Survey Class)

Leviticus (Slideshow Download Available) After the tabernacle was instituted Leviticus was given as a handbook for the priesthood, giving clear guidelines on the sacrifices, priesthood and feasts, all of which beautifully foreshadow Christ and his own sacrifice for us.

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Exodus Part 2 (Survey Class)

Exodus 25-40 (Slideshow Download Available) In these rich chapters we explore The Tabernalce, Israel’s portable temple that traveled with them through the wilderness. It is a clear shadow of the cross, pointing to Christ, in that a sinners only way to God is by way of subsitutionary sacrifice.

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