The Authority of The Vineyard Owner

Luke 19:45-20:19. Why did Jesus drive out those buying and selling in the temple and how did he respond to the religious leaders who challenged his authority? How do these events relate to us today? What does the parable of the wicked vinedressers teach us concerning the nation of Israel and and how does it […]

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The Identity of Jesus

Luke 8:22-56. Luke records some astounding miracles to show that Jesus had ultimate power and authority over nature, demons, sickness and even death itself. These miracles lead us to the question “Who do you say that I am?” (9:20). Thankfully, like Peter, we know the answer, that He is the Messiah, The Saviour and The […]

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Servant Leadership in The Local Church

Tit 1:5-9. Why does it seem that many Christians have have bad experiences with leadership and authority in churches? How can it be that leaders, who are supposed to be serving, feeding, and nurturing the flock, end up being instruments of harm? Why are the sheep wounded by the shepherds? Jesus taught his disciples the […]

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1 Thes 2:1-20. In reflecting on the ministry they’d had in Thessaloniki, Paul lays out many characteristics of heart and attitude that should be evident in church ministry. Are you in it for the right reasons? Is it an occupation or a vocation? Do you truly love and care for the flock? May God search […]

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Principles of Servant Leadership

Mark 10:42-45. The use of authority, given to a church leader is for the purpose of serving, encouraging, building. Sadly it is often used to manipulate, dominate, and hurt people. How far removed this is from the Biblical model of a servant-leader! Here we explore some principles regarding a Biblically-based model for eldership and church […]

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