No one Can be Saved by Good Works

Gal 3:6-14. Paul spells it out as clear as can be. The false teachers were proposing that salvation came through observing the law, but Paul tells the Galatians that “no one is justified by the law”. In our modern language that means that no one goes to heaven by good works. Salvation is only through […]

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5 Questions to Help Understand Grace

Gal 3:1-5. The false teachers (Judaizers) in Galatia were challenging Paul’s gospel of grace. Paul masterfully asks the Galatians 5 rhetorical questions, relating to their own experience, that vindicate the grace gospel. What personal experience do we have to show how the grace gospel holds up?

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The Life-Changing Grace of God

1 Cor 15:9-10. Grace changes lives. Like Paul, we can all recognize the great work of grace in our lives. I WAS – BY GRACE – I AM! Now I am a Christian, a son, a saint, God’s beloved, forgiven, saved and I can say “ I am what I am by the Grace of […]

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There is only One Gospel

Gal 2:1-10. In light of opposition to his ministry, Paul demonstrates that both his apostleship and his gospel came directly from The Lord. He also shows that the apostles in Jerusalem, unlike the false teachers from there, believed the same gospel. There is only one gospel, the gospel of grace.

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The Divine Origin of the Gospel

Gal 1:11-24. The false teachers (Judaizers) who were influencing the young churches of Galatia were questioning Paul’s authority and message. Paul clearly shows that He functioned independently as an apostle before he met the others and that his gospel came, not from men, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

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Discerning The Gospel of Grace

Gal 1:6-10, Acts 15:1-19. How discerning we need to be in the 21st century with so many false representations of the gospel around us and on the internet. Paul would not tolerate these false teachers and yet many Christians today so carelessly entertain them. Oh but let us stand firm in the gospel of grace […]

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Grace & Peace to You

Gal 1:1-5. Oh Grace to you today! And the peace that follows it. These words, used in Paul’s opening salutation to the churches in Galatia, capture the essence of the gospel and the Christian’s blessed experience. May we walk in His grace today and sense His prevailing peace! 

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I Am What I Am By Grace

1 Cor 15:8-10. The Apostle Paul was well aware of the grace of God on his life, as one who persecuted the church and then became a servant of the church. He serves as a model of grace for all us. We all can say we are what we are by grace.

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