
Teens There are varied events for our young teens (Secondary School Age) that allow for us to get together and have a special focus of fun, food, faith and fellowship. We may go bowling, laser-tag or have a game night or something, but always allow for a purposed time in...

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Sunday School

Sunday School During our Sunday Morning Services there is a Sunday School provision for children of parents attending the services. Sunday mornings at PEFC are very special times for children. Children are dismissed together from the church after the time of worship. And The Sunday School team work diligently to...

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Parents & Toddlers

Parents & Toddlers Our Parents & Toddler Group, “Rainbow Plus” meets every Tuesday morning during school term time in the Rainbow Room at the Friendship Centre, Mayfield Avenue from 09.30 and 11.30am. It is run by a team of friendly and helpful volunteer church workers who have a heart to...

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