A Time to Rebuild

Introducing our Series from The Book of Nehemiah, “A Time to Rebuild”, we explore the need in post-exilic Jerusalem to be rebuilt and how that pictures the need we have as believers to be rebuilt, revived, and renewed again and again. Many of us have time and areas in our lives where the walls and […]

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The Book of Ezra (Survey)

Ezra (Slideshow Download Available) This Book covers the 1st return from Captivity under Zerubbabel (1-6) and the 2nd return under Ezra (7-10). The returned remnant were able to rebuild the temple in the face of great opposition, serving as a great model for us in the church age as Christ builds His church today.

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It’s Time to Build

Haggai 1:1-15 The returned remnant, after laying the foundation of the temple, had lost sight of their purpose and priorities in returning to Jerusalem. Throught the prophet Haggai they were told to consider their ways and priorities and that it was time to build. Through his stirring words and preaching the people returned to the […]

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Opposition to The Work

Ezra 4:1-24. The returned remnant, under the leadership of Zerubabbel, had laid the foundation, but then the enemy opposed the work and the work ceased. May the work of God never cease in our own lives and by His grace may it always continue.

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The Lord Turns the Captivity

Ezra 1:1-11. After 70 years in Captivity, according to Jeremiah’s prophecy, God turns the captivity through Cyrus The Persian King. Now a remnant is free to return to Jerusalem to rebuild The Temple.

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